Java: Bill generation with Setu Serializer
Once you have installed the Setu Serializer SDK in your Maven/Gradle project, you can use it to Setu Compatible API responses.
Fetch Bills API
You should verify the Authorization header value by verifying the JWT token before sending a 200 response.
Here is how you can generate the response for fetchCustomerBills API.
Say your customer’s bill has the following details:
Detail type | Value |
Name | Ashok Kumar |
Outstanding amount | ₹3200.50 |
Customer ID | 39976774 |
Bill ID | ASDK0198 |
You can generate the Setu compatible fetch bills response by doing the following
FetchCustomerBillsResponse fcbResponse;
String setuFetchBillsResponse;
fcbResponse = new FetchCustomerBillsResponse(320050, "ASDK0198", "Ashok Kumar", "39976774");
setuFetchBillsResponse = fcbResponse.convertToJson();
will look like this
"data" : {
"customer" : {
"name" : "Ashok Kumar"
"billDetails" : {
"billFetchStatus" : "AVAILABLE",
"bills" : [ {
"aggregates" : {
"total" : {
"amount" : {
"value" : 320050
"displayName" : "Total outstanding"
"amountExactness" : "EXACT",
"billerBillID" : "ASDK0198",
"customerAccount" : {
"id" : "39976774"
"discounts" : [ ],
"fees" : [ ],
"generatedOn" : "2019-09-10T13:55:29Z",
"items" : [ ],
"recurrence" : "ONE_TIME",
"taxes" : [ ],
"validationRules" : { }
} ]
"status" : 200,
"success" : true
If the customer is not found in your system, then you need to do the following
String setuFetchBillsResponse;
NoOutStandingResponse noOutStandingResponse = new NoOutStandingResponse();
setuFetchBillsResponse = noOutStandingResponse.convertToJson();
will look like this
"data" : {
"customer" : {
"name" : "Not found"
"billDetails" : {
"billFetchStatus" : "NO_OUTSTANDING",
"bills" : [ ]
"status" : 200,
"success" : true
If the customer is found in your system but has no outstanding, then you need to do the following
String setuFetchBillsResponse;
NoOutStandingResponse noOutStandingResponse = new NoOutStandingResponse("Ashok Kumar);
setuFetchBillsResponse = noOutStandingResponse.convertToJson())
will look like this
"data" : {
"customer" : {
"name" : "Ashok Kumar"
"billDetails" : {
"billFetchStatus" : "NO_OUTSTANDING",
"bills" : [ ]
"status" : 200,
"success" : true
You just need to send setuFetchBillsResponse
as the JSON response for the fetchBills API.
Fetch receipt API
You should verify the Authorization header value by verifying the JWT token before sending a 200 response.
Setu will hit your fetch receipt API with a POST request when a payment is made with a JSON body that looks like this:
"billerBillID": "12123131322",
"paymentDetails": {
"amountPaid": {
"value": 99000
"billAmount": {
"value": 99000
"platformTransactionRefID": "TXN12121219",
"uniquePaymentRefID": "XXXXAYYDDD999999"
"platformBillID": "SETU121341312121"
To respond to this API you would need to create a receipt in your system first. This
receipt will have an ID. Say the receipt id you generate is R12289171221
You can construct the fetchReceipt API response by running the following java code.
String setuBillReceiptResponseJSON;
SetuBillReceiptResponse setuBillReceiptResponse = new SetuBillReceiptResponse("12123131322", "SETU121341312121", "TXN12121219",, "R12289171221");
setuBillReceiptResponseJSON = setuBillReceiptResponse.convertToJson();
will look like this.
"data" : {
"billerBillID" : "12123131322",
"platformBillID" : "SETU121341312121",
"platformTransactionRefID" : "TXN12121219",
"receipt" : {
"id" : "R12289171221",
"date" : "2019-09-10T14:00:14Z"
"status" : 200,
"success" : true
You just need to send setuBillReceiptResponseJSON
as the JSON response for the fetchBills API.