It is possible to represent multiple line items and fees in the Setu bill object when the bill to be collected in your business has some amount of complexity. You can show this to your customers by using the flexibilities provided by Setu API contracts.

Assume you are trying to represent the following items in your bill.

Item Amount
EMI for June 1000
EMI for July 1000
Convenience Fees 12
Late fees 150
Total 2162

Here is how it can be represented. Let us construct the following objects first.

  1. Line items for the two EMIs
  2. Convenience Fees and Late Fees

Line items

The EMI for June can be represented like this.

  "description": "EMI for June",
  "aggregates": {
    "total": {
      "value": 100000

Similarly the EMI for July.

  "description": "EMI for July",
  "aggregates": {
    "total": {
      "value": 100000


The late fee can be represented like this.

  "displayName":"Late fee",
    "total": {
      "value": 15000

The convenience fee can be represented like this.

  "displayName":"Convenience fee",
    "total": {
      "value": 1200

Putting it all together

Once you have these two fees calculated, your bill object changes to

        "value": 216200
      "displayName":"Total payable amount"
    "subtotal": {
      "amount": {
        "value": 200000
      "displayName": "EMI Amount"
    <late fees>,
    <convenience fees>
  "items": [
    <june emi>,
    <july emi>

Wrap the bill object in the following response and send it across as part of the fetchCustomerBills API.

  "success": true,
  "status": 200,
  "data": {
    "customer": {
      "name": "Ashok Kumar"
    "billDetails": {
      "billFetchStatus": "AVAILABLE",
      "bills": [
        <BILL OBJECT>

You can read more about the bill object in our documentation on the get billers API.